Need To Use A Tennis Elbow Brace To Treat A Tennis Elbow

Need To Use A Tennis Elbow Brace To Treat A Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is caused by repeated stress on the tendons that join your forearm muscle to your bones. People involved in sports or any activities that require tools are likely to get a tennis elbow.
Before we move ahead, let’s address some common myths surrounding a tennis elbow.
Myth: Only tennis players suffer from tennis elbow.
Truth: Yes, playing tennis does lead to tennis elbow but so does any activity or sports that require repetitive movements. You can still suffer from tennis elbow even if you have never been to a tennis court.
Myth: Only athletes/sportspersons suffer from tennis elbow.
Truth: As mentioned earlier, any activity that involves repetitive movements can cause tennis elbow. You will be surprised to find some of your daily activities on the list.
Despite the name, only 5 % of the cases are caused by tennis. Tennis Elbow usually develops over time, thanks to repetitive motions like - gripping a tennis racket while taking a swing. These motions put a strain on the muscles and too much stress on the tendons. The constant tugging eventually causes minute tears in the tissue.
Common sports/activities that can cause tennis elbow are:
- Squash
- Tennis
- Knitting
- Painting
- Raking
- Carpentry
- Fencing
- Weightlifting
- Racquetball
- Using plumbing tools
The most common symptom of a tennis elbow is the recurring pain an individual experiences while lifting or bending the arm. The pain radiates on the outside of the upper forearm, just below the bend of the elbow. It may move further down your arms towards your wrists. The pain makes it difficult to:
- Grip objects such as a tennis racket
- Shake hands or turn doorknobs
- Lift moderate to heavy items
- Hold a cup of coffee or tea
- Straighten your wrist or raise your hands
The good news is that in most cases the tennis elbow heals on its own. With proper care and rest, it's only a matter of time you are put out of your misery. Giving your elbow a break could be a good start towards recovery. Icing the elbow periodically, performing a range of motion exercises, and getting physical therapy are also beneficial for a speedy recovery. For icing, one can go for a hot/cold gel pack.
The use of a Tennis Elbow Brace is a commonly recommended treatment for effective recovery. Elbow straps are very effective in protecting the injured tendons from further strain or damage. The straps are wrapped around the forearm just below the elbow. The braces come with pressure pads that help in applying compression on the muscles below the arm. The aim is to reduce the pain and increase the elbow mobility of an individual.
How to Wear a Tennis Elbow Brace
- First off, choosing the right size of an elbow brace is essential. Whenever you buy an elbow brace make sure to look for the measurements on the package. A snug fit is what we are looking for.
- To know your size, straighten your elbows and measure the circumference around them.
- Take the brace and position the pressure pad exactly on the point radiating pain or as directed by your physician.
- Now, tighten the strap to get a snug yet comfortable fit.
Romsons Tennis Elbow Support helps alleviate pain by providing customized compression that effectively absorbs vibrations. It prevents the injured tendons from further wear and tear and comes with a soft hook loop for easy use.
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